Monday, May 14, 2012

Tami bullied Kyisha to tears

Basketball Wives

I was so disgusted by watching tonight's episode of BBW.  I started a conversation on Facebook that got really interested and decided to take it to the blog.  Tonight's show should me name, "How to spot a Bully and bystanders. "  Tami bullied Kyisha to tears on tonight's episode and the other cast members allowed this to happen.  I understand that Kyisha is a grown woman but she was not strong enough to stand up to Tami and someone should had stepped in.

I HATE to see grown women fighting.  We are supposed to set a positive example for our daughters, nieces, and young girls that look up to us.  We are teaching them to resolve our problems through fighting/acting ugly and not talking like humans beings.  Many young women look at BBW and reality shows similar to this show for entertainment but they are actually acting like these women in the classrooms and out in public.

Tami apology to Kyisha on her twitter but is she actually "sorry" for her actions.

What are your feelings on tonight's episode?  Do you feel that Tami went to far? Did you think that the other cast members should had stepped in earlier?

Speak on it!

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